3 months of 1:1 support for moms who want to optimize their family's health

When you became a mom, all you wanted was to have a healthy, happy child. On the other hand, today's world is different from the one in which you have evolved since your childhood, and it's not always easy to navigate through the often contradictory information about the harmful products that surrounds you. It's normal that you sometimes feel overwhelmed and not know where to throw yourself. Your family is unique and the way you do things must be adapted to your reality.

A little something tells you that you have to get out of your comfort zone to find what works for YOUR family. You are ready to try something different, which will stimulate your motivation to change certain things in your family's daily life and which will support their health in the long term.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these situations?
  • Your child lives with a chronic condition (asthma, eczema, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, hyperactivity, etc.)

  • You know that there are probably concrete actions you can take to reduce his symptoms, but you don't know where to start?
  • Are you going around in circles, have you tried several things but you feel that something is missing? You want to try more gentle and natural methods.
  • You have just learned that your child has food intolerance, you are stunned, you feel helpless and you wonder how to approach it?
  • You feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed by all the information out there?
  • You would move mountains so that your child never has health problems and you want to equip yourself to protect him as best you can?
  • Do you want to optimize your family's health by making healthier choices and changing some lifestyle habits?

Tailor-made support to optimize the health of your family

Imagine if you had someone supporting you to advise you on the concrete steps to take to help you reduce your child's symptoms. Someone to support and guide you in establishing healthy and lasting habits that will have a long-term impact on the health of your family. 

A person who would give you the tools to make you feel good about the choices you make every day, without spending hours researching. A coach who is there for you, with you and who understands the reality of YOUR family, YOUR situation.


I'm here to help you!

In my 3 months 1:1 coaching, we determine together what we will work on for the health of your family. We define your goals and we make a plan TOGETHER.

We assess where you are and we go from there. We establish a strategy that suits YOUR family reality.

The health of your family is much more than diet and physical activity! 

Accompagnement sur mesure| Petits pas santé par Eve Labrecque

We will work together on these 4 essential pillars


We're going to talk about healthy eating, hydration, processed foods, food additives, simple little tricks to "pimp up" your child's nutrition, meal planning, etc. We will explore what you are already doing and make logical modifications for you, where necessary, gently, according to your situation.

Gastrointestinal health

Because maintaining good gastrointestinal health is essential for overall health; we will talk about digestion, microbiota, good and bad bacterias, the connection between the intestines and the brain, the immune system, etc.

Environmental toxins

We discuss toxins possibly present in your daily life, the possible consequences on the health of your family and we will go into more detail if there is a particular condition. We will look at the products you use and I could suggest alternatives if you want to make some changes.

Lifestyle habits/
emotional environment

Stress, sleep, movement, fresh air, screens usage, emotional environment at home and at school/daycare, etc. These are all topics that we will touch on during our 3 months together.

I give you advice, concrete tools and explore possible solutions. I will help you identify your hurtles (limiting beliefs, fear of judgment, demotivating factors, etc.) and I will accompany you through the obstacles. My goal is to clearly present to you the different options available to you, to allow you to make THE right decision for your family.

There is no “one size fits all”. Each child is unique and grows in a unique family environment. No more listening to the advice of your tiresome neighbor who knows everything or your mother-in-law who makes you feel guilty at every opportunity.

To establish healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits

You will come out of this coaching equipped and confident to make informed choices that stick to your reality. You will have established healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits that will support the health of your family in the long term.

The idea is not to be perfect but to go at the pace that suits you. Each small step counts, they lead you to the optimization, the improvement of the health of your family.

Coaching is not a race, it is a process.

Your child's health is not static. It evolves, it changes, it adapts to its environment. On the other hand, if healthy habits are established, future challenges will be easier to overcome.

My approach is non-judgmental, based on trust, listening and kindness. I am here for you, with you.

« Les discussions avec Eve ont été le point de départ qui m’ont fait prendre conscience des impacts que mon mode de vie avait sur moi, mais aussi sur ma famille. Ce fut le déclic pour commencer à mettre vraiment en place des changements concrets qui m’ont permis d’améliorer mon sommeil et mon alimentation, de retrouver mon énergie et de faire des choix plus équilibrés pour moi et mes enfants. »

Julie T.

Seven 60 minutes coaching sessions spread over 3 months

The first one is to establish a plan together. The other 6, to follow up on goals and discuss specific topics in more depth.

Access to Asana where we can have a global view of your goals..

We can communicate in writing and I submit all the documents related to your support. You can keep the project as well as all the documentation and our exchanges once our work together is finished.

Unlimited access to me via Voxer

To connect and ask me questions for the duration of the coaching.

Healthy recipes

To simplify your life and inspire you.

Super practical information and references

To meet your specific needs.

And more!

How much does it cost

from $500/month + tax

I offer the possibility of paying in 3 or 6 installments.

One 2.5 hours coaching session

We discuss your specific goals and establish an action plan together.

A summary of the meeting by email

It includes the objectives, suggested steps and things to remember.

Access to me via Voxer for 5 working days following our meeting.

To connect and ask me questions for the duration of the coaching.

Super practical information and references
Relevant documents sent with the meeting summary, related to the topics and objectives discussed during the meeting.  

How much does it cost

$300 + tax

You are you ready to feel supported in your journey?

Fill out this short questionnaire to make sure the service really meets your needs.

You can also DM me on Instagram if you have any questions!

Moi c'est Eve | Petits pas santé par Eve Labrecque



Hey, I'm Eve!

I love helping others. I am a good listener and I really like to popularize information.

Making a difference in people's lives give me a lot of joy.

I am told that I am reassuring. My goal is to bring more sweetness to the lives of my clients, to save them time while respecting their pace and their personal situation.

Health is bio-individual and the interests of each child are my priority.

Then through it all, we must never forget that 

Every little step counts!


Q. Can you make a diagnosis?

Q. Can you make me a meal plan?

No. I am not a doctor. I am not allowed to do this. On the other hand, I will always refer to a health professional according to your needs if necessary or if I think of another therapist who would be well placed to help you.

No. I am not a nutritionist or dietitian. On the other hand, I can help you optimize your diet through certain tools or advice.

Q. I don't live near you, can I still have access to your services?

Q. Can you prescribe me supplements?

Yes, I offer all my services in virtual calls.

No. I'm not allowed to do that in Quebec.

Q. Do you have any health coaching certifications?

Yes. I am certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and also by Epidemic Answers (Documenting Hope).