Your family's health is a priority?

You want to establish healthy and lasting habits for the health of your family?

I help you on your journey whatever your goals are. I accompany you in a process of change that is aligned with YOUR values, YOUR needs and YOUR family reality. 

About me

I'm Eve Labrecque

Health Coach for kids and family

Mom of 2 and certified Health Coach.

I help moms feel empowered and confident to make the right choices for their family's health. 

I accompany them in a process of changing lifestyle habits in order to optimize the health of their family for the long term.

Whether it be to learn about the different pillars, to optimize the health of your family or following the diagnosis of any condition, I am here to guide and support you in your evolution towards optimal overall health.


How I can help you

I accompany you according to your needs.


60 minutes coaching session

You need a little help to integrate better health habits into your daily life? One hour with me and we can talk about a specific situation you are facing or goals you would like to achieve.

Coaching Santé familiale| Petits pas santé par Eve Labrecque

Family Health Coaching

Individual support for mothers who want to optimize the health of their family. We focus on 4 pillars: diet, gastrointestinal health, environmental toxins and lifestyle.

Coaching Détox ta maison| Petits pas santé par Eve Labrecque

Home Detox Coaching

Tailor-made support for mothers who want to clean up their living environment one small step at a time. We put in place a personalized plan and I support you in implementing it

Want to know more about working with me?

Book a free 30 minutes discovery call with me!

What they say about me!


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Podcast | Petits pas santé par Eve Labrecque
I also have a Podcast

Petits pas santé Le Podcast

This Podcast is for moms who want to feel empowered and confident that they can optimize their child's health, one small step at a time.

Are you a mother who has a child with a chronic illness? Do you feel overwhelmed?

Are you looking for possible solutions and would like to understand the causes of your child's discomfort? 

Are you a mother who is interested in health or a mother-to-be who wants to learn more in order to put your efforts in the right place to ensure that your future baby grows up healthy?

I will soon have episodes in english for you to enjoy!