Ces événements se font en présentiel ou en virtuel dans le confort de ton salon.
Épure ta maison:
Édition cuisine, produits ménagers et d'hygiène corporelle.
Savais-tu que certains produits que tu utilises dans ton quotidien peuvent avoir des effets significatifs sur la santé de ta famille à court et à long terme?
Penses-tu que c’est normal d’avoir envie de tomber dans les pommes en sentant ton produit nettoyant pour ta douche?!
Tu t’es déjà dit dans ta tête: Ca doit être toxique c’t’affaire là!
Tu as envie d’en apprendre plus sans te casser le bicycle à faire des heures de recherches?
Cet atelier est parfait pour toi!
Tu en ressortiras avec des nouvelles connaissances, des trucs concrets et clés en mains pour faire des premier changement tout de suite!
On va jaser ensemble :
Des toxines potentiellement présentes dans ton quotidien
Des exemples concrets de produits plus sains à utiliser
Des avantages de faire certains changements dans tes habitudes
Comment optimiser la qualité de tes produits
Il y aura une séance de Q/A à la fin de l’atelier et tu recevras une cheat sheat pour t’aider à bien choisir tes produits.
One on One Coaching
One-on-one coaching for confidence is a personalized coaching experience designed to help individuals build self-confidence and self-assurance. This type of coaching is typically conducted in a private setting, either in person or online, with a trained coach who is experienced in helping people develop confidence. The coach will work with the client to identify areas of their life where they struggle.
Regular Check-Ins
A confidence coach are periodic meetings or sessions with a trained coach that are designed to provide ongoing support and accountability for building and maintaining confidence. These check-ins can take place in person or online and are typically scheduled at regular intervals, such as weekly or monthly. During a check-in session, the coach and client will review progress made since the last session, discuss any challenges.
Personal Development
A process of improving one’s self-confidence and self-assurance through various methods and techniques. This can be done through a variety of means, including one-on-one coaching, group coaching, workshops, or self-study. Personal development for confidence can focus on various aspects of an individual’s life, such as their career, relationships, personal growth, or overall well-being. The goal of personal development for confidence.
Shift Your Self-Confidence
- Explore and discover your ikigai, or sense of purpose and fulfillment in life, through a series of personalized coaching sessions.
- Set and work towards achievable goals related to your ikigai, with the support and guidance of your coach.
- Overcome any obstacles or challenges that may be preventing you from living a fulfilling life, using a range of tools and strategies such as mindfulness practices and goal-setting techniques.
- Reflect on your values, passions, and strengths, and how they can be incorporated into your daily life.
Schedule for Consultation
My online fitness journal, sharing my thoughts and experience for the best of you.